I didn’t know it would happen this way.

It’s been quite the couple of months. During June, I was just bumbling along working on my business when suddenly, I couldn’t work any more.

It felt like I had nothing left to give.

For the past 2 years, I have been trying to untangle the conundrum of how I should go about opening an online shop to sell my original art, art prints, and maybe stationary or stickers. I had a launch day set. I was laboring over my social media posts for sometimes an hour and a half a day, only to see it go nowhere. I was stressed and uninspired. My time felt wasted.

So I stopped.

After 10 days of real vacation, I felt ready to pick it up again, but at a more relaxed and careful pace. So my ever-practical self re-evaluated and went back, literally, to the drawing board.

I came back with a solid plan.

And that plan is to share my art, finally, tangibly, with you. So you can have it in your home, on your walls, on your desk. I hope you check it out.

Have an amazing month, friends!



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